
All unclassified presentations must meet one of the following designations:
Distribution A, CUI, or CUI//Controlled Technical Information (CTI) WITH a designation of Distribution C or D.
Classified presentations are limited to Confidential or Secret.

Agenda is subject to change. All times are Eastern.

Plenary Sessions - Team Room 1
Time (ET) Activity
07:30 Check In
08:15 Welcome
Gary Estep - Navy HPC Deputy
08:25 NIWC Commander's Welcome
CAPT Matthew O’Neal - Commanding Officer, Naval Information Warfare Center-Atlantic
08:30 Acting Director's Brief
Dr. Kevin Newmeyer - Acting Director, HPCMP
08:45 ITL Director's Brief
Dr. Robert Moser - Director, ERDC ITL
09:15 Keynote
Dr. Forrest Shull - Principal Director for Advanced Computing and Software,
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
09:45 BREAK
10:30 Technology Update
Keith Obenschain - Chief Technical Officer, HPCMP
10:45 Cybersecurity Update
Stephen Bowman - AD for Security, HPCMP
Rickey Gregg - Cybersecurity Project Manager
11:15 Panel: Directors of the HPCMP DSRCs
Moderator: Dr. Leslie Leonard - Acting Deputy Director, HPCMP
Christine Cuicchi - Director, Navy DSRC
Bryon Foster - Director, AFRL DSRC
Sophia Paros - Acting Director, ARL DSRC
Dr. Ben Parsons - Director, ERDC DSRC
Dr. Scott Pierce - Director, MHPCC DSRC
12:00 LUNCH (Catered boxes at Conference Center)
13:30 Resource Management Update
Sunita Batra - AD for Resource Management, HPCMP
14:00 Cloud Computing
Kevin Schoen - Technical Director, MHPCC
14:15 Institute Talk 1: HPC-enabled Modeling and Simulation Institute
Dr. Scott Morton - Senior Scientist for High Fidelity Modeling and Simulation,
Air Force Research Laboratory
14:30 Institute Talk 2: Multi-Fidelity Surrogate Modeling for Aerodynamics Using Sage
Dr. Andrew Wissink - Aerospace Engineer,
U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation & Missile Center
15:00 BREAK
15:15 Frontier Talk 1: From BIG-data to HOT-properties of high-entropy carbides and carbo-nitrides
Dr. Stefano Curtarolo - Edmund T. Pratt Jr. School Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science,
Duke University
15:45 Frontier Talk 2: Development of the Navy Earth System Prediction System (ESPC) and new capabilities
Joseph Metzger - Meteorologist,
Naval Research Laboratory
16:15 Frontier Talk 3: NAWCAD Applied Aerodynamics and Store Separation use of HPC Resources
Dr. Daniel Prosser - Fixed-Wing Team Lead,
Naval Air Systems Command
16:45 End of Day and Hero Awards
Dr. Leslie Leonard - Acting Deputy Director, HPCMP
Time (ET) Activity
07:30 Check In
Classified (Secret) Sessions 8:30 - 11:00
Important! Do not bring bags of any kind (purses, backpacks, etc.) or any electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc.) to this session. A monitored bin will be available for key fobs, but all other items should be locked in your vehicle for the duration of the session.
08:30 High-speed flow model with geometry aberrations
Lt. Harrison Keith
08:50 Taking Compute to the Data: Our use of HPCMP Platforms in a Machine Learning Workflow
Matthew Churilla
09:10 DoD HPCMP "Above Secret" Supercomputing Resources – Current Capability and Way-ahead
Kelly Dalton
09:30 DoD HPCMP Multi-Tenant Supercomputing – A Preview
Jeremy Natale
09:50 Employing Machine Learning for Ocean Bottom Mapping: Reducing Waste and Increasing Efficiency
Andrew Lee
10:10 Forum and HPCMP Look-ahead
Dr. Kevin Newmeyer
Dr. Leslie Leonard
Others (TBD)
End of Classified (Secret) Sessions
11:00 LUNCH (on your own)
Unclassified Technical Track Sessions
Time (ET) Track 1: Team Room 1 Track 2: Team Room 2 Track 3: Team Room 3

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning usage for HPC Applications

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Chemistry and Materials
13:00 The Air Force's Imperative for Accelerated AI Adoption: MSBAI's GURU Delivers Autonomous Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics Capabilities
Allan Grosvenor
Direct numerical simulations of air-entrainment in the near-wake of a surface ship
Andre Calado
PAGODA: An HPC Tool for Evolutionary Optimization with Parallel Evaluators
Dr. Calvin Anderson
13:20 Machine Learning Research Benchmark Development
Alisha Sharma
TANGO: A Nozzle Optimization Approach for High-Speed Test Facilities
Cooper Jenkins
Quantum Mechanical and Machine Learning Simulations of Next Generation Responsive Materials
Dr. Drew Behrendt
13:40 Using HPCMP Resources for AI/ML Weather Intelligence Product Development for Smart Installation Decision Support at Ft. Moore
Brendon Hoch
Aero-Optic Analysis of Submerged Hemisphere with Active Flow Control
Chung-Jen Tam
Modeling the Response of Multi-layered Multi-material Targets Using ALE-Based Finite Element Methods
DeBorah C. Luckett
14:00 High Performance Computing with the NorthPole Inferencing Chip
David Wise
Numerical Analysis of Plasma Flow over a Hypersonic Waverider
Ashley Donbrock
Atomistic Simulations of PETN Detonation with a Machine Learning Potential
Dr. James Lill
14:20 Detection of invasive submersed aquatic vegetation using a machine learning-based object detection program
Han Saim Jeong
Simulation of Underwater Nuclear Detonations
Dr. Mike Clover
Computational Investigation of Ice-Nucleation and Ice-Nucleating Proteins
Benjamin Albrecht

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning usage for HPC Applications

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Usage of HPC to Support Modeling and Simulation that Informs Combat Decisions
15:00 Physics Incorporation in DNN Surrogate Models for Complex Transient Flow Problems
Dr. Nathan Hariharan
Analysis of Fundamental Multi-scale Nonlinear Fluid Phenomena for DoD Applications
Dr. Datta Gaitonde
Standard User Mutation Optimization (SUMO)
Andrew Lee
15:20 Machine Learning at MHPCC for Space Domain Awareness
James McSweeney
Teaching CFD to USAFA Cadets using AF-IntelliTwin™
Dr. Earl Duque
Development of Improved Hybrid Tactical Vehicle Fuel Economy Analysis
Morgan Barron
15:40 Accelerating Simulation Speed and Efficiency Using AI Physics
Kevin Kelly
Computational Aerodynamics Education at the US Air Force Academy and the Air Force Institute of Technology
Dr. Jurgen Seidel
Galaxy Software Suite: End To End Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Framework
David Montague
16:00 Improving Cyber Security Using AI within an HPC Environment
Dr. Rob Trevino
CFD Modeling Tool for Dust Plume Dispersion from Ground Vehicle Systems
Dr. Jose L Hernandez
Employing HPC to Run Military Modeling and Simulation
Dr. Bob Donnelly
16:20 Towards Development of Virtual Strain Gauges for Rotorcraft using Neural Networks and Transfer Learning
Dr. Andrew Wissink
Ionospheric and Radio Frequency Propagation Modeling
Dr. Joseph Werne
Automation of high-fidelity simulations on DoD HPCs – Weapons Effects Software
Dominic Wilmes
16:40 Automating SAR-ATR Workflows on DSRC and Cloud HPC Clusters
Matthew Shaxted
Large Eddy Simulations for Next-Generation Digital Twin Engine Analysis
Dr. Luis Bravo
Improving Data Generation process with Slurm and Singularity
Brandon Lambert
Unclassified Technical Track Sessions
Time (ET) Track 1: Team Room 1 Track 2: Team Room 2 Track 3: Team Room 3

Big Data/Visualization;
GPU Usage for HPC Applications

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Climate/Weather/Ocean Modeling;
Computational Structural Mechanics;
Computational Electromagnetics & Acoustics
08:00 Data Science Initiatives at the Data Analysis and Assessment Center
Vince Perry
Dynamic Free-Surface Simulations Using CREATE-Ships MAKO
Dr. Matthew Jemison
Estimating Surface Soil Moisture Using L-Band Reflectivity Measurements From The CYGNSS Microsat Constellation
Dr. Jeffrey Ouellette
08:20 ParaView Next: a visualization architecture for the future
Cory Quammen
Parametric study of the Reynolds number and angle of attack on a 6:1 prolate spheroid
Marc Plasseraud
West-WRF 40-year Reanalysis: Description and Performance
Dr. Daniel Steinhoff
08:40 Automated HPC Batch Post-Processing with the Visulization Pipeline (Vispipe)
Joshua Gramm
A machine learning (ML) based surrogate model for Hypersonic Flows
Noah Meisner
Stability of Freshwater Runoff in East Greenland Currents
Dr. Scott Smith
09:00 Automated Performance Tuning of Heterogeneous Computing at Runtime
Dr. Calvin Anderson
Recent Advancements of HPCMP CREATE-AV Helios
Dr. Steven Tran
It's All in the Rock
Dr. Allen Harvey
09:20 Development of the Next-Generation Performance Portable Flow Solver in HPCMP CREATE-AV
Dr. Kevin Holst
Large Eddy Simulation of the Tip Leakage Flow in a Ducted Propulsor
Theo Leasca
Comparison of Point-in-Polygon Algorithms for Modeling Terrain in High-Fidelity Groundshock Simulations
Dr. Daniel Hariprasad
09:40 Optimizing Eilmer Chemistry Code for GPUs
Dr. Michael Lasinski
No Presentation Benchmarking of Modern High-Performance Full-Wave CEM Codes
Brian MacKie-Mason

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning usage for HPC Applications

Tools, Software, Applications, and Guides

Test & Evaluation usage for HPC applications
10:20 Improving Mission Level Planning Using Modeling & Simulation and AI in an HPC Environment
Dr. Rob Trevino
The Flux Framework: A User-Space Task Scheduler
Dr. Sean Ziegeler
Assessment of LIKWID Tools on the Fujitsu A64FX ARM processor at NRL, DC
Dr. Karen G. Haines
10:40 AASP: An HPC-centric Interactive Mission Planning Framework
Dr. Rob Trevino
Scaling Scientific Analysis: Application of Workflow Management Tools on HPC's
Andrew Simin
Using Profiler Hardware Program Counters to Improve the OpenMP Performance of HYCOM
Dr. Robert Rosenberg
11:00 Kubernetes on High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP)
Dr. Kyle Tarplee
Transforming DTRA's HPC Landscape: SEAL Framework for Modernization and Security
Dr. Sarom Leang
No Presentation
11:20 Dust Cloud Generation from High Fidelity Sensor Simulation on HPC
Dr. Zachary Lamb
LEADER, GRAISON, and the Multi-Modal Connection Engine
Andrew Lee
No Presentation
11:40 Closing Remarks in Team Room 1
12:00 END OF DAY