All unclassified presentations must meet one of the
following designations:
Distribution A, CUI, or CUI//Controlled Technical Information (CTI) WITH
a designation of Distribution C or D.
Classified presentations are
limited to Confidential or Secret.
Agenda is subject to change. All times are Eastern.
Time (ET) | Activity |
07:30 | Check In |
08:15 | Welcome Gary Estep - Navy HPC Deputy |
08:25 | NIWC Commander's Welcome CAPT Matthew O’Neal - Commanding Officer, Naval Information Warfare Center-Atlantic |
08:30 | Acting Director's Brief Dr. Kevin Newmeyer - Acting Director, HPCMP |
08:45 | ITL Director's Brief Dr. Robert Moser - Director, ERDC ITL |
09:15 | Keynote Dr. Forrest Shull - Principal Director for Advanced Computing and Software, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering |
09:45 | BREAK |
10:30 | Technology Update Keith Obenschain - Chief Technical Officer, HPCMP |
10:45 | Cybersecurity Update Stephen Bowman - AD for Security, HPCMP Rickey Gregg - Cybersecurity Project Manager |
11:15 | Panel: Directors of the HPCMP DSRCs Moderator: Dr. Leslie Leonard - Acting Deputy Director, HPCMP Christine Cuicchi - Director, Navy DSRC Bryon Foster - Director, AFRL DSRC Sophia Paros - Acting Director, ARL DSRC Dr. Ben Parsons - Director, ERDC DSRC Dr. Scott Pierce - Director, MHPCC DSRC |
12:00 | LUNCH (Catered boxes at Conference Center) |
13:30 | Resource Management Update Sunita Batra - AD for Resource Management, HPCMP |
14:00 | Cloud Computing Kevin Schoen - Technical Director, MHPCC |
14:15 | Institute Talk 1: HPC-enabled Modeling and Simulation Institute Dr. Scott Morton - Senior Scientist for High Fidelity Modeling and Simulation, Air Force Research Laboratory |
14:30 | Institute Talk 2: Multi-Fidelity Surrogate Modeling for Aerodynamics Using Sage Dr. Andrew Wissink - Aerospace Engineer, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation & Missile Center |
15:00 | BREAK |
15:15 | Frontier Talk 1: From BIG-data to HOT-properties of high-entropy carbides and carbo-nitrides Dr. Stefano Curtarolo - Edmund T. Pratt Jr. School Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University |
15:45 | Frontier Talk 2: Development of the Navy Earth System Prediction System (ESPC) and new capabilities Joseph Metzger - Meteorologist, Naval Research Laboratory |
16:15 | Frontier Talk 3: NAWCAD Applied Aerodynamics and Store Separation use of HPC Resources Dr. Daniel Prosser - Fixed-Wing Team Lead, Naval Air Systems Command |
16:45 | End of Day and Hero Awards Dr. Leslie Leonard - Acting Deputy Director, HPCMP |
Time (ET) | Activity |
07:30 | Check In |
Classified (Secret) Sessions 8:30 - 11:00 Important! Do not bring bags of any kind (purses, backpacks, etc.) or any electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc.) to this session. A monitored bin will be available for key fobs, but all other items should be locked in your vehicle for the duration of the session. |
08:30 | High-speed flow model with geometry aberrations Lt. Harrison Keith |
08:50 | Taking Compute to the Data: Our use of HPCMP Platforms in a Machine Learning Workflow Matthew Churilla |
09:10 | DoD HPCMP "Above Secret" Supercomputing Resources – Current Capability and Way-ahead Kelly Dalton |
09:30 | DoD HPCMP Multi-Tenant Supercomputing – A Preview Jeremy Natale |
09:50 | Employing Machine Learning for Ocean Bottom Mapping: Reducing Waste and Increasing Efficiency Andrew Lee |
10:10 | Forum and HPCMP Look-ahead Dr. Kevin Newmeyer Dr. Leslie Leonard Others (TBD) |
End of Classified (Secret) Sessions | |
11:00 | LUNCH (on your own) |