From Setting Up Regression Tests to Application Deployment -- Lessons Learned in Securely Leveraging Containers Across HPCMP Systems

Leang, Sarom (EP Analytics, Inc.)

Carrington, Laura
Tiwari, Ananta

Container Implementation and/or Deployment

As part of a Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) sponsored SBIR Phase I project, EP Analytics, Inc. is leveraging Singularity containers to modernize application lifecycle management (ALM) of High-Fidelity (HF) computer codes. The lessons learned in developing a Singularity container to demonstrate a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for the Second Order Hydrodynamic Automatic Mesh Refinement Code (SHAMRC) on multiple HPCMP systems will be discussed. In addition, we will cover methods used in security analysis of the container using open-source tools.